Mobile App

Will Doosra save my voicemail messages?
All your messages are saved on our secure servers, only to enable you to listen to them anytime. The recordings are encrypted to play ONLY on your mobile de...
Wed, 24 Mar, 2021 at 2:03 PM
What does the 'Save as Contact' button do?
By clicking on this, you can save Doosra's incoming and outgoing numbers to your phonebook so that the next time someone tries to call your Doosra numbe...
Wed, 24 Mar, 2021 at 2:04 PM
How do I control notifications from Doosra?
Tap on the settings icon (Home page - bottom right) Tap on ‘Sounds’ Simply turn on sounds for the notifications you want to receive
Wed, 24 Mar, 2021 at 2:04 PM